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Chinese Mental Health Promotion

The Chinese Mental Health Promotion Program improves the lives of individuals in the Chinese community by increasing awareness of mental health issues, promoting wellness through educational/ recreational/leisure activities as well as reducing the stigma associated with mental illness.

華人心理健康促進計劃, 是透過社區教育及舒展身心的康樂活動, 來提高社區人士對心理健康問題的認識,及促進個人健康生活,並消除對心理疾病的誤解。

The Chinese Mental Health Promotion Program offers health promotion activities, cultural events, and workshops and provides service resource information. Now our activities are held via Zoom.

華人心理健康促進計劃提供改善健康,促進文化的活動和健康講座,並提供服務資源信息。 現在我們的活動目前主要是透過Zoom在網上舉行。

The  Activities/活動包括:

Facilitated by a professional with subject matter expertise, this interactive group meets once a month to encourage participants to learn ways to manage emotions, stress, and interpersonal issues as well as to promote wellness, self-awareness, acceptance, and growth through a variety of health promotion topics chosen or suggested by our participants. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm via Zoom.

在具有專業知識的專業人士的協助下,這個互動的學習小組每月舉行一次,鼓勵參加者學習管理情緒、舒缓壓力和處理人際關係問題的方法,並通過參與者選擇或建議的各種以促進健康為主題的講座活动,來促進身心健康、提高個人自我意識、自我接受和成長。在每月的最後一個星期三晚上 7:00 至 8:30 在網上舉行。

The Chinese Program organizes culturally rich and supportive activities ranging from painting, singing, drama, exercise sessions, and festival events. The program includes a component entitled “Happy Seniors,” which provides programming specific to the unique needs of Cantonese and Mandarin speaking older adults.


The list is updated regularly for people who need the service resource information.


Community Resources:

The Chinese Community Response Network (Chinese CRN) in British Columbia, Canada has an Online Resources Hub for Chinese Seniors that provides a wealth of information on services and activities for seniors. The hub is updated regularly with posters from different communities and organizations, making it easy for seniors to find activities or suitable services according to the information.

For information brochures please click here for English/有關我們中文促進身心健康活動的資料,請按此.

Do not let fear of technology keep you from joining in the fun – we have volunteers who taught all participants to use zoom and they will teach you too!  For more information, please contact our Chinese Mental Health Promotion Program Coordinator, Stella Lee, at or at 604-603-0332, or the Administration Assistant, Ada Lam at or at 604-306-9188.

“We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia”

Thanks to the generosity of our partners.